I am very much new to acting, but I had the privilege of working alongside Jim Russell on two of his movies –Normandy Is My Name and Rh Negative – The Emergence. And there were three things that struck me immediately about Jim and Mountain Air Productions – the incredible attention to detail; Jim’s passion for movie-making; and, most importantly, the wonderful culture that Jim cultivated before, during and after filming.
When we were working on set, I was amazed at Jim’s command over every detail, no matter how insignificant the detail might be. Sure there are the obvious things that need to get done: things like scheduling actors, coordinating crews for makeup, cameras, sound and lighting, but there were also hundreds of other details that had to occur before filming even started and then hundreds more once filming concluded. But Jim and his team had total command of the controllable – and this allowed everyone to do what they did best. The actors could act, the camera folks could film, and the editors could edit. All because Jim and Mountain Air Productions handled the details.
Besides attending to all the details, I was truly inspired when I listened to Jim speak about his dream, because he has a passion for movie-making that is very hard for most people to comprehend, unless they are equally passionate about something. Jim just doesn’t want to make movies for the sake of making movies. He wants to make great movies that stir emotions and gets people talking to each other. And he wants to change the way movie-making happens.My only hope for Jim is that more people tell him no or present obstacles to what he’s trying to create, because that only fuels his desire to be great.
Finally, and most important to me, was the fact that Jim made everyone feel special during filming. He treated me – a new actor with only a small part – as a Hollywood star. But he also treated the camera crews, the makeup artists, and everyone that played any role in his movies the same way. That in turn made everyone else go the extra step to ensure they delivered the best possible performance – no matter what role they played. And to this day, the friendships I formed while filming with Jim are among my most genuine and strongest.
So to anyone considering being a part of anything produced by Jim Russell and Mountain Air Productions, I promise it will be one of the best decisions you can ever make.
